Alright, let’s talk about these cookies and cream protein powder cookies, ya hear? I ain’t no fancy baker, but even I can whip these up, and they’re pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.
First off, you gotta get yourself some of that protein powder, the cookies and cream kind, mind you. Don’t go gettin’ any of that weird fruity stuff. We’re makin’ cookies here, not some health shake. I found this stuff at the store, they said it’s good for ya, helps ya build muscles or somethin’. I dunno about all that, but it makes the cookies taste good, and that’s all that matters to me.

Then you need some flour, the regular kind, the kind you use for biscuits. And sugar, gotta have sugar, ain’t no good cookie without sugar. I use the white kind, but I reckon you could use the brown kind too, if that’s what you got. And some eggs, gotta have eggs to hold it all together. And butter, real butter, none of that fake stuff. Makes ’em taste richer, ya know?
Okay, so here’s how I do it. I ain’t got no fancy mixer, I just use a big bowl and a spoon. First, I cream the butter and sugar together, mash it all up real good until it’s light and fluffy. Then I add in the eggs, one at a time, mixin’ it all up after each one. Then I stir in the protein powder and the flour, a little bit at a time, until it’s all mixed together good.
- Step 1: Mash butter and sugar
- Step 2: Mix in eggs, one by one.
- Step 3: Add protein powder and flour, keep mixin’.
Now, the dough gets kinda thick, so you gotta use your hands to mix it at the end. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, that’s the best way to do it. Once it’s all mixed up, I roll it into little balls, about this big, and put ’em on a bakin’ sheet. I don’t grease the sheet or nothin’, they don’t stick too bad.
Then I bake ’em in the oven, about 350 degrees, I guess. I don’t really time it, I just watch ’em until they start to turn golden brown around the edges. Then I take ’em out and let ’em cool on the sheet for a bit. If you try to eat ’em right away, they’ll fall apart, so you gotta be patient. I know, it’s hard, but you gotta wait.
These protein cookies are real good for a snack, especially if you’re feelin’ a little run down. They got that protein in ’em, so they fill you up pretty good. And they taste like cookies, so it’s like a treat, but it’s good for ya too. Or at least that’s what they tell me. I just like ’em ’cause they taste good.

I made a big batch the other day, and the grandkids came over and ate ’em all up. They loved ’em. Said they were the best cookies they ever had. Now, them kids are always hungry, so I don’t know if that means much, but they sure seemed to enjoy ’em.
So, there you have it. My recipe for cookies and cream protein powder cookies. It ain’t nothin’ fancy, just good ol’ fashioned cookies, with a little bit of protein thrown in for good measure. Give ’em a try, you might just like ’em. And if you don’t, well, more for me, I reckon.
A little secret, sometimes, I add some chocolate chips, just for fun. Or maybe some nuts, if I’m feelin’ fancy. You can put whatever you want in ’em, really. It’s your cookies, you can do what you want.
One more thing, don’t go eatin’ too many of these at once, though. They got all that protein in ’em, and too much of that ain’t good for ya, I heard. Everything in moderation, that’s what my mama always said. And she was a smart woman, my mama.
Alright, I’m done talkin’ about cookies now. My mouth’s waterin’ just thinkin’ about ’em. I think I’ll go make myself another batch. You should too.

Tags: [protein cookies, cookies and cream, easy recipe, baking, homemade cookies, healthy snacks, dessert, protein powder, simple baking, delicious cookies]
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