What are drinks with lavender syrup? Here are some easy recipes you can make at home!
You know what? This old gal loves her some sweet drinks. And that lavender syrup, oh boy, it’s the bee’s knees! Makes everything taste just a little bit fancier, you know? Like them city folks drink, but better ’cause it’s homemade. This lavender syrup thing, it is good. Very good.
I got this here recipe from somewhere, can’t rightly recall. But it’s easy as pie, even easier maybe. You just need some of that purple flower, the lavender, some sugar, and water. That’s it! Just those three things and you’re in business. These lavender syrup is easy to make.

First, you gotta get yourself some water. Plain old water, nothing special. And sugar, the regular white kind. Then you need them lavender blossoms. You can use the fresh ones if you got ’em growing in your yard. I used to have a whole bunch, but now I just buy the dried ones at the store. Either way works just fine. Dried lavender is good, fresh is also good. Just use what you have.
So you take your water, your sugar, and your lavender, and you dump ’em all in a little pot. Not a big pot, just a little one will do. Then you put that pot on the stove, and you turn the heat up kinda high. You want that water to start boiling, bubbling up real good. Keep stirring it with a spoon, any old spoon will do, until all that sugar is gone, disappeared, like magic. This makes the best lavender syrup.
Once it’s boiling and the sugar’s all gone, you turn the heat down low. Real low, so it’s just barely simmering. Like a little whisper, not a shout. You let it do that for about a minute, just a little bit of time. This lavender syrup will be so sweet.
Then you take that pot off the stove, and you just let it sit there. Don’t touch it, don’t stir it, just let it be. It needs to rest, like an old dog after a long walk. You let it sit there for about half an hour, 30 minutes or so. That’s how long it takes for that lavender flavor to really get into the syrup. I think 30 minutes is enough. You can do more, but I don’t know.
After that, you gotta strain it. You don’t want them little flower bits in your syrup, do you? Nobody wants that. So you get a strainer, the kind you use for your tea, and you pour that syrup through it into another bowl or a jar. Anything that can hold liquid. Make sure you get a clean jar. Dirty jar will make the lavender syrup taste bad.

And that’s it! You got yourself some lavender syrup. Now you can use that stuff in all sorts of things. I mean all kinds of drinks! It’s good for everything.
- You can put it in your lemonade, makes it taste real special. This is my favorite. I love lemonade.
- Or your iced tea, gives it a little something extra. Especially when it is hot outside.
- Some folks put it in them fancy cocktails, like with gin and lemon. I don’t drink alcohol, but my neighbor does.
- I even put a little in my hot tea sometimes, when I’m feeling a bit under the weather. Makes you feel better.
- If you feel fancy, make some lavender blueberry cocktail. They are good.
That lavender syrup will keep in the fridge for a while, too. Just make sure you put it in a jar with a lid, so it doesn’t get all dried out and yucky. Tight lid is important, remember to close it every time after you use some lavender syrup.
Now, I like to use this syrup in all sorts of drinks with lavender syrup. Like I said, lemonade is a good one. Just a little splash of that syrup in your lemonade, and you got yourself a fancy drink. Taste real good on a hot summer day, sitting on the porch, watching the world go by. This is the best way to use your homemade lavender syrup.
Another thing I like to make is a sort of lavender spritzer. You just take some of that bubbly water, the kind with the fizz, and you mix it with some of that lavender syrup. Maybe add a little squeeze of lemon if you got one. It’s real refreshing, and it makes you feel like you’re drinking something special. My grandkids love it when I make this for them. They said it is the best lavender syrup drink ever.
And if you’re feeling real adventurous, you can try making a lavender mocktail. That’s like a cocktail, but without the alcohol. You can use all sorts of things, like fruit juice, and herbs, and of course, that lavender syrup. There’s all sorts of recipes out there, you can find them online, I reckon. Just search for “drinks with lavender syrup.” I don’t use the internet but my neighbor told me so. But for an old gal like me, a simple lavender lemonade or spritzer is just fine. These are also good.

One thing to remember when making drinks with lavender syrup, a little goes a long way. It is sweet and strong. You don’t want to put too much, or it’ll be too sweet. Just a little bit is all you need to make it taste good. So start with a little, and you can always add more if you want. Don’t add too much at first. You can add more later if you want.
So there you have it. That’s how you make lavender syrup, and some ideas for drinks with lavender syrup. It’s easy, it’s tasty, and it’s sure to impress your friends and family. Even if they’re just your neighbors, like mine. They all love it when I make them something with that lavender syrup. They always ask for more. They say I make the best lavender drinks. So give it a try, you might just like it! I bet you will love it. It is easy and fun to make. You should try it too.
Original article by the Author:yixunnet,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.jaynscott.com/what-are-drinks-with-lavender-syrup-here-are-some-easy-recipes-you-can-make-at-home/