Where to Buy Kite Lightning Drinks? (Find the Best Deals Online and Near You)
Okay, so, I saw this thing online about “Kite Lightning Drinks,” and I got curious. I mean, the name alone sounds crazy, right? So, I went down this rabbit hole, trying to figure out what this was all about.
First, I started digging around, just to see where I could even find these drinks. Turns out, they’re popping up in North Carolina, at bars, restaurants, and stores. I guess they’re making a push there or something. I found a few places around me and thought, “Why not give it a shot?”

Then I got into the whole “lightning” part of it. It’s not like they’re actually putting lightning in a can, right? The story goes way back to Benjamin Franklin. Remember him? The guy with the kite and the key during a storm? Apparently, he was onto something with electricity and storms. He figured out that even if the kite wasn’t directly hit by lightning, it was still picking up electrical energy from the storm. He saw the threads of the kite string standing on end and got a spark when he touched the key. So, yeah, kind of a stretch, but that’s the inspiration behind the name, I guess.
So, I went to one of these places that had it, just to see what the fuss was about. From what I could tell, it’s called a “Sparkling Adaptogenic Tea.” Sounds fancy, but I’m not really sure what that means. Just some tea that’s supposed to be good for you, I think.
When I tried it, it was… different. I’m not gonna lie. It was all fizzy and had a weird aftertaste. I mean, I didn’t hate it, but I don’t think I’d go out of my way to get it again.
Anyway, that’s my little adventure with Kite Lightning Drinks. It was an interesting experience, if nothing else. Maybe it’s your cup of tea (pun intended), maybe it’s not. But, hey, at least now we know what the deal is with these things, right?
Original article by the Author:yixunnet,If you intend to republish this content, please attribute the source accordingly:https://www.jaynscott.com/where-to-buy-kite-lightning-drinks-find-the-best-deals-online-and-near-you/